At the beginning of COVID-19, uncertainty crept into our lives and then changed it rapidly. We witnessed more people working from home, significant job losses, closure of restaurants and gyms, restriction on number of guests permitted in our homes and even lockdown. As human beings we naturally crave for social interaction, it helps us feel connected. Our daily routines, habits, and relationships can influence and shape our emotions and attitudes. It can also help us feel grounded.
One year on from the commencement of Covid-19 and we continue to face the global pandemic. We can reflect on our own wellbeing and how we have coped or managed through this. Some may have struggled to maintain their mental health and wonder how to keep it together, others may feel positive and see this as an opportunity to reset and live a slower life. Individually we will have our own perception/experience – and this is fine.
As for our front-line staff in the Aged Care Industry, our experiences were shaped differently, we focused our attention on the wellbeing of our residents. As the restrictions changed and particularly, limiting the number of visitors per resident, were at times difficult to witness. Residents experienced episodes of loneliness or worry meant that our front-line staff were providing additional support by seeking ways to bring back the feeling of joy and comfort again.
One of the main reasons workers are drawn to the Aged Care Industry is because they want to make a positive difference and develop that connection and relationship with the resident. Seeing a resident smile send a positive message of a job well done. Focusing on the resident’s health and wellbeing is part of the role, however we all need to be reminded to prioritise our own health and wellbeing too.
This is a reminder to everyone, particularly those working in the front line/caring roles, to carve time out during the day and check-in on yourself. It can be as little as 5 minutes and you can build up and increase the time to incorporate meditation or journaling. Checking in, is about directing your attention inward and acknowledging what is going on within us. Be honest in your responses. Find ways to turn your thought/response into an action that positively impacts your life or mood. You may find it helpful to reach out to a professional counsellor that can assist you.
Reaching out to a professional is investing in your own health. They can guide you to other resources that might be more beneficial to you than the examples listed above. By better understanding how to manage our own emotions can help improve our mental health, our relationships and connections with our family, friends, colleagues, or residents. Above all, giving oneself a sense of self-control during an uncertain time.
TJG have an Employee Assistance Program and our staff are encouraged to contact the confidential counselling service. We have partnered with AccessEAP and they can be contacted on 1800 818 728 or
We take this opportunity to thank our staff for their commitment and demonstrating the TJG values of Respect, Integrity, Inclusion, Excellence, Wellbeing and Partnership.
Covid News
Please contact the facility manager for Covid updates for the residential homes.
Read moreCOVID-19 Vaccines Update
The Prime Minister has outlined plans to deliver Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program this year. The COVID-19 vaccines will be available, free and voluntary for all Australians.
Read moreInformation on reporting resident and workforce COVID-19 vaccinations
Official article for download. Click Read more below.
Read moreInformation for residents on COVID-19 vaccination
Official article for download. Click Read more below.
Read moreWhy is my residential aged care employer asking me if I have received a COVID-19 vaccination?
Official article for download. Click Read more below.
Read moreREMINDER: OPAN Support
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is an independent, free service to support older people and their family members during COVID-19.
The leadership team annual review planning day occurred in February this year and concluded that our business planning priorities...
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