
A personal guide through Aged Care

Getting Started

Moving into residential care can be very overwhelming. There are so many things to consider and so many questions to answer. Let us guide you.

TJG Personal Concierge Service was created to simplify and help you navigate the process of moving yourself or a loved one into residential care. We are here to answer any questions you have, hold your hand through the process and ensure that you make a fully informed decision. After all, it is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.

Click here to contact your personal concierge

Your Charter of Aged Care Rights

As your provider, we will help you understand your rights as outlined in the Charter of Aged Care Rights.

Learn more about Your Charter of Aged Care Rights

Before you can move into a residential care home, it’s important to understand how to get started.

Step 1: Assessment/ACAT


The first step in the process is to find out if you are eligible for subsidised Aged Care. A comprehensive assessment is carried out by your local Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). The assessment is free of cost to you and evaluates both your care requirements and what services could help you.

The assessment team will:

  • Confirm the eligibility for entry into residential Aged Care.
  • Provide information about residential Aged Care and home care services in your area.
  • Help you arrange initial respite care if required.
  • Approve eligibility for a package of community care to help you continue living at home or refer you to other services that will help you to continue living at home.

Find your nearest Assessment team:

  • Call 1800 200 422
  • Use the ACAT finder on the My Aged Care website or
  • Ask your doctor

A member of an ACAT will visit and ask some questions about your health needs and lifestyle to help establish the best care option.

Step 2: Finding the Right Home


Once you’ve been assessed, the next step is to find a home that is right for you. Things to consider when looking for your home are the level of care you require, cost, availability, and most importantly the quality of the facility. You may also consider looking for a private Aged Care provider.

Find your home with us at TJG, visit www.jesmondgroup.com.au.

At TJG, you’re home.

Step 3: Understanding Aged Care Costs and Organising Finances


The fees and charges associated with entry to residential Aged Care vary and are dependent on the level of care you require, the type of service and your financial circumstance or status.

It is important to make sure that you fully understand all the associated fees and charges before accepting a position within an Aged Care service (link to calculator). Centrelink can provide independent advice as well as Aged Care financial specialists and we encourage you to seek their assistance. Our Concierge Service can help you work through this.

Basic Daily Care Fee
The basic daily care fee is a contribution towards the care, meals, and services you receive as a resident of an Aged Care service. This is a fee that all residents of Aged Care services pay.

The amount of the basic daily care fee is set by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in line with the Aged Pension. The basic daily care fee increases twice per year in line with increases to the aged pension.

Accommodation Payments
The accommodation payment is a contribution towards payment for the resident’s accommodation. The DHS will advise you on the payment option applicable to you.

You could pay for your accommodation either via:

Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)
A lump sum payment determined by the facility, its location, costs, demographics, room sizes, amenities and individual care needs.

Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)
The daily rent like equivalent of the RAD.
*The DAP is based on the current MPIR of: 5.96%
The maximum RAD is $398,055 with equivalent DAP of $64.99. An example of a combination RAD/DAP is: RAD (lump sum) – $199,028 and a DAP of $32.49.

Means Tested Care Fee
A resident’s ‘Means Tested Care Fee’ will be based on an asset and income assessment. The Department of Social Services will advise you in writing if you are required to pay a Means Tested Care Fee.

Step 4: Apply for home


1. Contact the preferred TJG home via the Concierge (include the “connect with concierge” link

2. Provide the completed ACAT form to TJG home.

3. Complete the Income & Asset via MyAgedCare (https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/income-and-means-assessments/)



Step 5: Moving in


Moving into a residential care facility is a big transition and at TJG, our goal is to ensure you feel at home right away. We want you to be comfortable with the arrangements of your accommodation and happy to discuss anything that would make the move easier for you. As a guide we encourage you to bring:

  • Your personal belongings, such as clothes, special personal effects with which to decorate the room to
    make it feel like a comfortable familiar home.
  • Medications and documentation such as hospital discharge summaries
  • Medicare, Pension and Veterans Affairs’ Card.

Orientation Programs
Before we officially welcome you home to TJG, we invite you (and your family) to attend a personalised tour of our facility. After a tour and overview of the services offered, we sit down with you and answer any questions you may have in relation to entry as a resident.

All residents are provided with a comprehensive “Residents Handbook” which includes all the information you’ll need to settle in and enjoy your stay. We also conduct a “settling in” program to help you with a smooth transition and to enjoy your time here with us at TJG.




Select site
  • Strathfield
  • Miranda
  • Summer Hill
Select room
  • Single Room
  • Shared Room
  • Single Room
  • Shared Room
Means tested care fee
Means tested care fee
Basic daily service fee
Basic daily service fee

The above estimates are an indication of fees only. Your actual fees will depend on your income assessment and the cost of your care. Further information can be found at https://www.myagedcare.govt.au/aged-care-home-costs-and-fees.